Wednesday, November 02, 2005

December 7, 2005 is the date.

The deadline for getting my film ready for exhibition is December 7.

This, of course, assumes that there will be no further problems or technical issues along the way between now and December 7. As of now, I have a rough edit of the telephone conversation scene between the lead character and the girl he asks out on a date. Right now, that scene just goes back and forth when each of the characters is talking. However, with a little help from my technical adviser, there will be some tweaking of that scene in which I will get reaction shots from the girl while the guy is talking to her, meaning that I will need to create a "telephone voice" for the guy.

I also did a rough edit of the cafeteria scene in which while the girl is talking with her friends, the guy manages to get a hold of her cell phone so he could punch up her number and then call her. There are cutaways in which first you see the gang talking, then a cut to the guy sneaking up on them and snaring the girl's cell phone.

Finally, I put English subtitles on the classroom scene where the instructor is reading a Spanish poem and the English translation is at the bottom of the screen.

There will be one review of the film on November 23 in which I will receive feedback/constructive criticism from my classmates as to how they think I should edit the film. I will either accept or reject their advice and put the finishing touches on it by December 7. The film will be shown either on December 7 or December 14 depending on how many other films are ahead of mine.

So far, so good!

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